Apple Paid an Antimonopoly Fine of 1.2 Billion Rubles

Apple Paid an Antimonopoly Fine of 1.2 Billion Rubles
Photo: TechCrunch 22.01.2024 496

The funds have already been transferred to the budget of the Russian Federation.

In July 2022, FAS Russia recognized the company as having violated antimonopoly legislation. Apple imposed on Russian iOS app developers the need to use the company's payment tool in their apps.

The App Store Rules prohibited iOS app developers from informing customers inside the app about the possibility of paying for goods in applications from the App Store product catalog using external links, as well as using alternative payment methods. The company required developers to remove links to their online resources and change the app's functionality so that the registration form did not lead to external sites. Otherwise, the company did not allow the applications to be included in the App Store. 

As a result of the administrative investigation, FAS Russia fined Apple 1,177,988,700 rubles for violating antimonopoly law. 

On January 19, 2024, Apple paid the fine. The funds were transferred to the budget of the Russian Federation.

*Article 10(1)(3) of the Law on Protection of Competition

Source: FAS

digital markets  Russia 

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