Competition Authorities of Russia and South Africa Exchanged Experience in Digital Investigation of Cartels

Competition Authorities of Russia and South Africa Exchanged Experience in Digital Investigation of Cartels
12.05.2022 644

Representatives of the FAS Russia spoke about the service’s approaches to improving the mechanisms for suppressing digital cartels and bid rigging.

During the bilateral meeting, representatives of the South African Competition Commission were informed about the methods and details of the screening service developed by the FAS Russia to detect cartels in certain markets.

According to Anton Teslenko, head of the Control and Financial Department, the service includes three independent modules that are fully integrated with each other, which allows for a comprehensive data analysis, search for links between business entities and identify suspicious procurement activities.

In addition, a lot of methodological and explanatory work is currently being carried out, including among the territorial bodies of the FAS Russia, aimed at improving the efficiency of the service: digital mechanisms are being studied, data from information and analytical systems that will allow analyzing the activities of economic entities in commodity markets, primarily queue for socially significant.

At the end of the meeting, the participants decided to continue cooperation, study of best practices and exchange of experience in the field of using digital technologies to identify and prove anti-competitive agreements in order to help improve the effectiveness of antitrust enforcement in Russia and South Africa.

Source: FAS

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