Bayer will conduct training in the field of biotechnology for Russian breeders

Agriculture and Food
Bayer will conduct training in the field of biotechnology for Russian breeders
Photo: 06.07.2021 1255

In the framework of fulfilling the agreement with the FAS Russia order, Bayer will conduct training in the field of biotechnology for Russian breeders.

A series of practice-oriented trainings for Russian breeders participating in the technology transfer project will be held online from the 5th to the 12th of July.

The technology transfer is one of the conditions of the order issued by the FAS of Russia to Bayer when considering an application for the purchase of Monsanto. According to the order, Bayer is obliged to transfer to Russian breeders the molecular breeding agents and germplasm necessary for the development of new varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops. The company should also provide breeders with methodological materials and work protocols, provide training to recipients in applied technologies of accelerated breeding and finance the creation in Russia of the newest scientific and educational centre for plant biotechnology.

"FAS Russia is working to ensure the execution of the order issued during the approval of the Bayer/Monsanto deal. Proper execution of the prescription will increase the competitiveness of the domestic agro-technical sector through the introduction of new technologies, training of representatives of Russian breeding companies in modern methods of plant breeding and the transfer of agro-technical data. Overall, we are satisfied with the progress of the transfer - this is a clear result of the application of new approaches of the FAS Russia to control transactions of economic concentration of global companies, "said Gennady Magazinov, Deputy Head of FAS Russia.

Source: FAS website

agricultural markets  Russia 

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