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28.03.2024 Report
Carbon Farming in Kazakhstan: Unlocking the Opportunity
The report discusses how carbon farming and trading can provide a marked contribution to Kazakhstan’s socio-economic development while making it more resilient to climate change and supporting the country’s commitment to combat environmental degradation and climate change. It explores viable options for leveraging the potential of sustainable land management (SLM) to support Kazakhstan’s net-zero transition and land restoration.
Obersteiner M., Ivanov A., Rovenskaya E.
25.01.2024 Article
Approaches to Antitrust Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activities of Digital Platform Owners
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of legal framework of antitrust regulators in some jurisdictions during investigations against transaction digital platform owner called Amazon based on abuse of a dominant position on the relevant commodity markets, as well as the conclusion of anticompetitive agreements.
Maslov A.
Russian Competition Law and Economy, 2023 (№4) P.32-43
19.06.2023 Article
Judicial Protection of the Right For Account in Russia
The article considers a new issue for the court practice of protection of the right to the account (account) of the Internet platform. The author notes a lack of awareness among citizens and organizations of the methods of protecting their rights and the need to increase access of all persons whose rights are violated to the various ways of protecting this right.
Diskin E. I.
Works on Intellectual Property, Volume 45, Issue 2, 2023, P. 17-24
31.05.2023 Article
Προς ένα Οικο-λογικό Αντιμονοπωλιακό Δίκαιο (Towards Eco-Logical Antitrust)
The article describes new approaches to the regulation of digital markets. Game theory, network science, and agent-based modelling are three promising approaches to inspire and inform the development of new tools for antitrust. Widely applied in ecology, they provide powerful methodologies to model and analyze natural ecosystems as complex adaptive systems.
Rovenskaya E., Ivanov A.
Athens, Greece: Επιτροπή Ανταγωνισμού, Έκθεση Πεπραγμένων του 2021, pp. 36-40
14.11.2022 Article
DSU Article 11 Violations: A Statistical Exercise
The article presents the results of an exhaustive statistical examination of 83 dispute settlement reports in which the Appellate Body addressed one or more claims under Article 11 of the DSU. The analysis reveals that, perhaps contrary to received opinion, neither the average number of disputes in which one or more Article 11 were made nor the average number of allowed claims demonstrate pronounced growth while the bulk of the increase in the number of claims brought is attributable to a limited number of complex disputes.
Rovnov Y.
Journal of International Economic Law, Volume 25, Issue 3, September 2022, Pages 409–423
14.11.2022 Book
Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law
This volume introduces the global value chain approach as a useful way to analyse competition law and applies it to the operations of food chains and the challenges of their regulation. The book offers a conceptual and theoretical framework for competition authorities, companies and academics, and fills a massive gap in the competition policy literature dealing with global value chains and food.
Academic editors: Lianos I., Ivanov A., Davis D.
Cambridge University Press, 2022.
14.04.2022 Article
Fake News as a Political and Legal Phenomenon
The article explores the concept of fake news as one of the phenomena of digital transformation in its legal and legal dimensions. The author examines the genesis of the phenomenon of fake news, the rapid transition from the use of this term in the political struggle to the legal consolidation and application, despite the rather vague criteria of what can be considered a fake.
Diskin E. I.
Law Journal. 2022. P.108-120
20.01.2022 Working paper
Introducing Patent Linkage in Russia: An Odd Choice at Odd Times
The research paper critically reviews the draft proposal that would introduce patent linkage to Russia’s drug approval system. The authors conclude that the new initiative reveals its total incompatibility with the priorities of public policy in the field of intellectual property and health care that came to light thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kotova D., Gavrilova O. Editors of the Series: Ivanov A., Voinikanis E., Avdasheva E.
Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2021
16.01.2022 Working paper
Killer Acquisitions and Other Forms of Anticompetitive Collaborations in Time of Corona
This research paper examines so-called ‘killer acquisitions’ and other detrimental collaborations. Other forms of collaborations, such as strategic R&D alliances, can create similar effects as these forms of collaborative acquisitions. This research report examines similar forms of collaborations using the pharmaceutical industry as an example.
Lundqvist B. Editors of the Series: Ivanov A., Voinikanis E., Avdasheva S.
Moscow: HSE Publishing House, 2021
15.11.2021 Report
Combatting Cross-Border Cartels: Empirical Study
The second edition of the Study accumulates experience of 50 competition authorities world-wide. More attention needs to be paid to the challenges the competition authorities face in fighting cross-border cartels. It is also important to elaborate common understanding on ways to overcome those challenges. The BRCIS Centre continues the research and deeply dives into the experience of both developed and developing countries related to cross-border cartel enforcement.
Pozdnyakova A.
13.07.2021 Working paper
Fighting Cyber-Attacks with Sanctions: New Threats, Old Responses
This paper contributes to the understanding of why states resort to ‘good old’ sanctions to meet the relatively new threat of cyber intrusions and whether this type of response is a forced measure or an effective tool to halt, prevent and punish attacking states. The tools of analysis used in this paper are legal positivism, and political and economic theories, including Mancur Olson’s theory of groups, Francesco Giumelli’s analytical framework for sanction assessment, cost-benefit analysis and game theory.
Rusinova V., Martynova E., Kurakina P.
Law. LAW. Высшая школа экономики, 2020. No. 96.
13.07.2021 Book
From Reserve Currencies to Reserves of Critical Goods: Designing a New BRICS International Currency
The book provides a brief analysis of the catastrophic consequences that the current design of reserve currencies has led to for the world economy. The second part demonstrates the efforts being made to de-dollarize settlements by both the BRICS, the EU, and the EAEU countries.
Molodyko K.
BRICS Law Journal. 2020. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 67-84.